Antwerp Yoga Shop

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Workshops and events
Losse lessen en Beurtenkaarten
3 Maanden onbeperkt
AY Teacher training

Package Deal Yin Training Module I and II

Enjoy this package deal when you book both Yin Yoga Trainings module I and II together.



Yin Yoga Training - Module I

Embark on a transformative journey with our Yin Yoga Training - Module 1. This course is meticulously designed to provide a deep and thorough understanding of Yin Yoga, its origins, philosophy, and principles. This training is an opportunity to deepen your practice, broaden your teaching skills, and immerse yourself in the serene world of Yin Yoga. Join us and transform your approach to your personal practice, wellbeing and yoga teaching. However you don't need to have the motivation to teach. Everybody who is willing to engage is welcome. More info on our website:



Yin Yoga Training - Module II

Early Bird price!!! Continue your Yin Yoga journey with Module II of our training series. This module deepens your practice and understanding, focusing on upper body poses and their variations. It's an enriching step forward in your ongoing exploration of Yin Yoga, blending practical techniques with philosophical insights. Ideal for those eager to expand their Yin knowledge post-Module I, it sets the stage for advanced learning and teaching. More info on our website:



Pregnancy Yoga Series

The Journey of Motherhood with Serenity and Strength through Pregnancy Yoga Welcome to our specialized Pregnancy Yoga program, a nurturing pathway designed with love and care for expectant mothers. In the sacred journey of motherhood, your body undergoes profound transformations. Our program is here to accompany you, offering solace and strength through each breath and movement. Why Pregnancy Yoga? Pregnancy Yoga is more than just a series of postures; it is a celebration of life, a gentle caress for both the mother and the developing baby. It is about creating a space of serenity and strength within you, as your body embarks on this miraculous journey of creation. It empowers you to listen deeply to your own body and to connect intimately with the life within. The Benefits of Pregnancy Yoga Pregnancy Yoga offers a range of benefits, weaving together physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being: 1. Physical Health: Improve your balance, flexibility, and strength. Alleviate c...



Mannencirkel 26 April

Bij Antwerp Yoga willen we ruimte creëren waar mannen zonder maskers kunnen samenkomen, delen en luisteren in een veilige omgeving. Daarom organiseren we een maandelijkse Mannencirkel.
 ‍ Wat is een Mannencirkel?‍ Het idee is eenvoudig: we komen samen in een groep mannen waar iedereen de ruimte krijgt om zijn verhaal te delen. Of je nu ergens tegenaan loopt, een bepaald thema wilt bespreken of gewoon wilt luisteren, in een mannencirkel draait het om openhartige gesprekken, eerlijkheid en verbondenheid.
 ‍ Hoe werkt het? ‍We beperken de groep tot maximaal 8 mannen om ervoor te zorgen dat iedereen de kans krijgt om te delen. Een sessie duurt ongeveer 2 uur, van 20:00 tot 22:00. We beginnen met een korte meditatie gevolgd door deelrondes waarin iedereen de gelegenheid heeft om te praten en bepaalde thema’s aan bod te laten komen. ‍ Wat brengt het? ‍Mannencirkels bieden een diepgaande ervaring waarbij je kunt groeien, leren en jezelf kan zijn. Door te delen en te luisteren, kun...



Early Bird Price - Qigong Workshop

‍Qi means “life energy”, gong means "work" or “activity”. It is an ancient Chinese system that includes movement, breathing, and state of mind used for the purposes of health, spirituality, and martial arts training. Profound benefits of Qigong, such as its influence on our nervous system, digestion, respiratory system, and blood circulation have already been proven scientifically long ago.Your instructorZuzanna Jikō Grzywacz began training taijiquan and qigong in 2005 under the guidance of great masters such as Yang Jwing Ming, Howard Choy, Master Sam Chin, and Piotr Ziemba (former head of TaijiQuan and QiGong Federation for Europe and member of Chen Xiao Wang World Taijiquan Association). She served as a teaching assistant of P. Ziemba for 6 years.In 2010 she went to Japan to study Zen under Master Shodo Harada where she did residential training until 2020. The monastic life experience has become a foundation for all her body and mind work.What will you learn?You will learn and pe...



Anatomical Approach to Asana. A workshop for Yoga Teachers

A Workshop for Yoga teachersLet's review the creation process of a yoga practice through an anatomical lens. Tailored exclusively for yoga teachers, this 2,5-hour exploration promises to redefine your approachto Āsana, offering valuable insights into cueing, flow design, and the fascinating world ofanatomical sequencing. This workshop is presented by Lennert, a yoga instructor with a unique background in medicine, specialized in anesthesiology. His distinctive perspective enriches the workshop with a nuanced and informed approach to creating sequences. Witness the influential role of cueing in shaping students' experiences and explore the tangible impact of words through practical examples. Understand the story and dynamics of crafting yoga flows, treating each sequence like a captivating book. Uncover the anatomy of a pose and the intricacies of movement in three dimensions. Discuss the logic behind stretching or contracting muscles in a sequence. In the end you will learn...



Breath Ceremony - 24 Mei

Samen ademen in groep Bepaalde situaties of gebeurtenissen in je leven kunnen zo overweldigend zijn dat je ze wegduwt. Wanneer echter de energie geen uitweg vindt, dan slaat ons lichaam dit op. Deze spanning zet zich vast als geblokkeerde energie in het lichaamsweefsel en manifesteert zich onder de vorm van een niet vloeiende ademhaling en spanningen in het lichaam. Daardoor ervaren we een gebrek aan energie, stress, angst, negatieve gedachtestromen en zelfs allerhande psychosomatische stoornissen. Via ademhaling breken we door die verschillende lagen van het lichaamspantser en kunnen we mentale, emotionele en fysieke blokkades in de diepste kern losmaken waardoor je terug in contact komt met je diepste zelf. Meer info op onze website



Mind Trilogy

As human beings it is proven that we thrive in community with others and nature and when we have the freedom to be creative. Yet our current society seems to promote individualism and compartmentalized thinking. Yoga invites us to yoke ourselves again to our true nature that is undivided and unbound and that is exactly what we will doin this series of masterclasses. Come and nurture your body & mind during these 2 day retreats! You can book together or separate. ‍ More info on our website



Designing meaningful classes, a workshop for yoga teachers.

Do you want to learn how to create classes that resonate further than the yoga mat? Do you want to learn how to really convey a theme and have your students embody it? Are you curious about how different elements like free movement, storytelling, philosophy or journaling can enhance your classes? Do you want to take your classes and your students to the next level? Then this workshop is for you! More info on our website.



Tim Feldmann Package Deal

EARLY BIRD PRICE (buy before May 12th). More info about these workshops on our website.



Body, Breath & Patanjali with Tim Feldmann

Shed light on the connection between the physical practice and the deep philosophy presented in the Yoga Sutras. Learn how the physical practice of asana embodies Patanjali's sacred principles and teaches every yoga student how to integrate the practice with our daily lives. Begin with a classic pranayama technique as the catalyst to spark a direct experience of how yoga works. Join this class for a rare opportunity to uncover the inner teachings of who we are and how we function as individuals in yoga, on and off the mat. All levels welcome. 18:00-20:00



Saturday Package Deal - Tim Feldmann

Book both Saturday Session together and enjoy a discount



Saturday Mysore Style Class with Tim Feldmann

Named after the city where Krishnamacharya and Pattabhi Jois developed their yoga method, this is is the classic way Ashtanga Yoga is taught. A melting pot of yoga practitioners of all levels from beginner to advanced, this class sets out to offer personalized guidance to every practitioner at exactly where you need it most. Build relationship with yourself, your practice and your teacher in this inspiring energy. Come experience and honor the Ashtanga Yoga's five thousand year old lineage of teachers, sages and gurus, R. Sharath Jois and every Ashtanga practitioner today. 07:30-09:30



How To Put Your Leg Behind Your Head

Understanding the intricate nature of your pelvic cave unravels the potential to free your spine and let energy flow to and from its rightful destinations in your body. Through partner & individual work you will learn how to open your hip joints, free your legs and wrap them gently around your neck while keeping your knees healthy and your mind at ease. All levels welcome. 13:00-15:00



Sunday Package Deal - Tim Feldmann

Book both Sunday Session together and enjoy a discount



Sunday Mysore Style Class with Tim Feldmann

Named after the city where Krishnamacharya and Pattabhi Jois developed their yoga method, this is is the classic way Ashtanga Yoga is taught. A melting pot of yoga practitioners of all levels from beginner to advanced, this class sets out to offer personalized guidance to every practitioner at exactly where you need it most. Build relationship with yourself, your practice and your teacher in this inspiring energy. Come experience and honor the Ashtanga Yoga's five thousand year old lineage of teachers, sages and gurus, R. Sharath Jois and every Ashtanga practitioner today. 07:30-09:30



Inversions, Headstands & Arm Balances with Tim Feldmann

In this workshop you will learn practical tools to turn upside down with stability, tranquility and grace. You will gain a thorough understanding of the anatomical patterns at play in your body while inverted. Detailing the shoulder mechanics helps you integrate your arms, spine, ribcage and hip to create a solid platform for accessible and pleasurable inversions whether on your head, hands or elbows. We will play with simple to advanced asanas. All levels welcome. 13:00-15:30



Ashtanga Essentials

Join us for an enlightening workshop designed for anyone eager to delve deeper into the Ashtanga system, with a special focus on the Primary Series asanas. Ideal for practitioners with at least two months of Ashtanga experience, this workshop promises to enrich your practice and understanding of this dynamic yoga style. ‍ What you will learn: ‍ 1. A Theoretical Foundation‍ This workshop kicks off with an engaging theoretical session, where we'll explore the essence of Ashtanga Yoga. Learn about the foundational principles, general guidelines, and rules that shape our practice, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of the asanas. ‍ 2. Theory Meets Action ‍Transitioning from theory to practice, we will meticulously examine the poses comprising the full Primary Series. This hands-on segment not only breaks down each pose for better understanding but also integrates them into practice. Discover the significance behind the names of the poses, immerse yourself in the vinyasa ...




3 weken unlimited yoga, enkel en eenmalig voor nieuwe leden.



Losse beurt

Drop in Yoga - 1 maand geldig



10 beurtenkaart

10 beurten yoga - 4 maanden geldig



20 beurtenkaart

20 beurten yoga - 6 maanden geldig



Losse beurt Mysore

Drop in Mysore - 1 maand geldig



10 beurtenkaart Mysore

10 beurten Mysore - 4 maanden geldig



20 beurtenkaart Mysore

20 beurten Mysore - 6 maanden geldig



Maandabonnement unlimited

1 maand unlimited yoga. Betaling enkel met domiciliering, verlengt automatisch, maar is vanaf de eerste volledige maand opzegbaar.

95.00 monthly


Maandabonnement Mysore unlimited

1 maand unlimited Mysore en yoga. Betaling enkel met domiciliering, verlengt automatisch, maar is op vanaf de eerste volledige maand moment opzegbaar.

120.00 monthly


3 maanden Mysore en Yoga

Kom met dit abonnement onbeperkt naar het Ashtanga Mysore programma en alle yogalessen. Workshop, sessies en lesreeksen zijn niet in het abonnement inbegrepen.



3 maanden onbeperkt Yoga

Volg met dit abonnement 3 maanden onbeperkt alle yoga lessen. Mysore, workshops en lesreeksen zijn niet inbegrepen in het abonnement.



Jaarabonnement Mysore

1 jaar onbeperkt Mysore en yoga




1 jaar onbeperkt yoga. Niet geldig voor workshops en reeksen aangekondigd op het uurrooster.



AYTT - Early Bird Price

Book and pay before June 30 2024 and benefit from this discount price



AYTT 24-25

Full price for AYTT 2024-2025



AYTT 24-25 Advance - Voorschot

Advance payment to enroll in TT



AYTT 24-25 Remaining amount

TT - Restbedrag na voorschot - remaining amount after advance



Package Deal Yin Training Module I and II

Enjoy this package deal when you book both Yin Yoga Trainings module I and II together.



Yin Yoga Training - Module I

Embark on a transformative journey with our Yin Yoga Training - Module 1. This course is meticulously designed to provide a deep and thorough understanding of Yin Yoga, its origins, philosophy, and principles. This training is an opportunity to deepen your practice, broaden your teaching skills, and immerse yourself in the serene world of Yin Yoga. Join us and transform your approach to your personal practice, wellbeing and yoga teaching. However you don't need to have the motivation to teach. Everybody who is willing to engage is welcome. More info on our website:



Yin Yoga Training - Module II

Early Bird price!!! Continue your Yin Yoga journey with Module II of our training series. This module deepens your practice and understanding, focusing on upper body poses and their variations. It's an enriching step forward in your ongoing exploration of Yin Yoga, blending practical techniques with philosophical insights. Ideal for those eager to expand their Yin knowledge post-Module I, it sets the stage for advanced learning and teaching. More info on our website:



Advanced Yoga Teacher training.

Price for non- AYTT Graduates



Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

Price for AYTT Graduates!!


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