Sound Journey

Join us for a full immersion into subtle sounds and frequencies under the potent energy of the full moon. Experience deeply resonant gongs, Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, voice, shruti and drones, trance drums, chimes, shakers, and warm flutes, all blending acoustic sound waves with electronic layers and natural field recordings. Imagine sounds from oceanic waves to floating space, guiding you into deep relaxation. The journey begins with a short guided meditation and a connected breathing session, designed to open your body and mind for a deeper experience, allowing you to truly feel and embody the vibrations. This journey takes place in a safe and nurturing space. Sound healing can bring you to a meditative state of inner harmony, restoring balance and helping to release what no longer serves you—like a gentle water wash. Relax, breathe in and out, and enjoy a process of restful, intentional healing. For your comfort, all is provided: mattresses, cushions, water, and tea. L...

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